Duration: 8:35
The work was created for Figments, an audio series of conversation with pictures, curated by Alice-Anne-Psaltis.
"Objects are the way things appear to a subject that is, with a name, an identity, a gestalt or stereotypical template . . . Things, on the other hand . . . [signal] the moment when the object becomes the Other . . . a metaphysics of that never objectifiable depth from which objects rise up toward our superficial knowledge.” (W.J.T. Mitchell, 2005)
Familiarising myself with the writing of W.J.T Mitchell as an opening to figments, I came across this passage that resonated with me and inspired a deeper conversation to take place with my long-term companion and collaborator, the erratic rock.
The work is the outcome of these conversations, using a mixture of found sounds and field recordings alongside words as a representation of the continuous loop formed between the vibrant matter of our bodies.
Image credit: photo taken by Junko Rathmell